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Lead Act

Get the Lead Out Testing and Results


June 2024

The Moniteau County R-V District is committed to our students and staff's safety and well-being. In alignment with that commitment and in compliance with the new Missouri state law, “Get the Lead Out of School Drinking Water Act,” on May 6th we completed another round of testing of our water. The district has evaluated each source and replaced the faucets that reported at or above the 5 parts per billion standard.  After replacing the faucets, we tested the water again and the results came back with all water sources being under the 5 ppb required level.  Please see the link below for the updated testing results.

June 2024 Lead Testing Results


March 2024

The Moniteau County R-V District is committed to our students and staff's safety and well-being. In alignment with that commitment and in compliance with the new Missouri state law, “Get the Lead Out of School Drinking Water Act,” on March 8th we completed testing of our water. Specifically, each possible drinking and food preparation source in our schools and buildings were sampled and tested to determine if the lead concentration in the water was above the required action level of five parts per billion (5 ppb), which is equal to 5 micrograms per liter. The 5 ppb level required by the state is well below the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) recommended action level of 15 ppb. 

As part of its commitment to safety, the Moniteau County R-V School District also chose to perform tests of water sources intended for hand washing, cleaning, or other non-drinking purposes, such as classroom sinks.  Our testing results that were reported on 3/21/24 by Microbac Laboratories, Inc. identified 3 out of the 24 water sources in our district had lead concentration at or above the new five (5) parts per billion (ppb) (5 micrograms per liter) standard.  All water sources tested below the US EPA recommended action level of 15 ppb. 

Please note that all drinking fountains district-wide tested below the allowable 5 ppb.

The district has taken immediate steps to restrict access to all water sources identified through testing. Appropriate signage has been placed on non-drinking water sources exceeding action levels until they can be successfully remediated.

The district has already begun evaluating each source for the best remediation option, such as removing or replacing equipment or inserting industry-standard filters certified for lead reduction. The district will retest all water sources identified through this process to ensure successful remediation. 

March 2024 Lead Testing Results Link